Help your employees create a lasting habit of
Fitness They Love
It's no secret that helping your employees make safe exercise a priority will increase their productivity and creativity at work. However, many employees have trouble making this lifestyle shift and they are weary of the standard corporate exercise challenges and games that do not create long-term lifestyle change.
Couch to Active is here to fill that gap.
Lyn Lindbergh's high-impact program designed to create real lifestyle change that lasts for a lifetime. The concepts this program reach far beyond just exercise and are transferrable to health, food, and even on-the-job challenges. Her signature 2-Year workbook reaches employees far beyond the program and create sustained and meaningful change.

SUMMARY of Program

Breathe new life into your corporate wellness offerings with Lyn Lindbergh's fresh approach to helping employees move more.
Couch to Active for Companies includes...
Immersive experience inspiring employees take advantage of this program.
Eight fun and interactive virtual sessions that bring the content to life.
Participants receive a copy of the award winning book Couch to Active.
Immediate Access
Online mini-course that highlights key components for each section of the program.
Quick Coaching
1-1 access to coaching with Lyn.
Two-Year Plan
Participants receive a copy of the 2-Year Workbook that will keep their momentum going.
This is a key part of what makes this program effective and long-lasting.
Ongoing Support
For two years participants receives a monthly inspirational communication to help support their 2-Year workbook progress.

Lyn lindbergh
Lyn Lindbergh is the founder and author of Couch to Active. She spent 20 years working in senior management roles at corporations as diverse as Microsoft, Boeing, AOL, T-Mobile, Praxair, Philips Healthcare, and AT&T Wireless. She has managed many multi-national, large-scale initiatives as well as smaller quick-turnaround initiatives. Lyn has a gift for coming into stressful environments and creating experiences that are supportive, impactful, and memorable for all.
Lyn holds a degree in Education. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Pilates Instructor, and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, which includes just about every class you've ever attended at your local gym. She was on staff at PRO Sports Club, a world renowned fitness center based in the Seattle area that offers over 200 weekly group fitness classes. More importantly, Lyn lives with fibromyalgia and a couple of additional long-term health issues, so she knows at a very deep level that the struggle to exercise is real.
She is also the host of The Health and Fitness Motivation podcast, a globally distributed show with over 400 episodes on tap.
Lyn's tagline-"No more exercise we hate!"-pushes back against the mentality that exercise must be painful, difficult drudge-work to be effective. Reluctant exercisers already know what research tells us-that we're more likely to stick with exercise we enjoy.

the book
COUCH to ACTIVE: The Missing Link that Takes You from Sedentary to Active has garnered praise from reluctant exercisers to healthcare professionals to fitness industry leaders to elite athletes. Its message of compassion and reality honors the multiple priorities your employees face in their personal and professional lives. Lyn worked in corporate environments for 20 years, and she speaks directly to the challenges your employees face to get moving more.
PROGRAM outline
Week 1: The Basics
What you already know about exercise but aren't doing
CDC guidelines for exercise
The importance of working with your doctors
Staying injury free
Remembering to exercise
Slow and steady progress
A healthier approach to social media
Week 2: Reach Out
Talking to others about your goals
Making exercise fun
Your lifestyle change will surprise others
Thank others for their support
Week 3: Breaking Barriers
Seeing barriers objectively
Creating a list of barriers
Relaxing around the barriers
Using walks to process potential solutions to barriers
The importance of wanting the change
Body image
Week 4: Solve It
Strategies to break barriers and create a life you love
Identifying the easiest barriers to break
Managing naysayers in your life
Identifying mini-solutions and small steps
Jumping on last minute opportunities to exercise
Breaking through stereotypes and trying different kinds of exercise
Creating a commitment that is impossible to flake
Week 5: Own It
Owning the direction of your life
Owning your success
Owning your opinions about exercise
Owning your heart and close relationships
Owning your time and work relationships
Owning your crazy-busy life
Owning your physical and mental healing
Owning your sleep
Week 6: Radical Change
Identifying if you are stuck and need a radical change in your life
Reminder that you are in control of your life
How to identify if you are stuck
Being brave
Making peace with barriers that are here to stay
Week 7: Your Next Two Years
Create a plan to stay on track for two full years
Understand how fast time flies by and the importance of making this change now
Understanding how after two years the changes will feel perfectly normal
Creating a plan for holidays and special events
How to quickly escape a setback
Week 8: Celebrate!
Celebrate the new you!
Review all life practices in the book
You are a rockstar, and here's why
Exercise Plan Examples: The exercise plan examples provided ask readers to start where they are and very slowly build with a focus on staying injury free. This is a fun book, so we also made the exercise plan titles fun.
Exercise Plans:
I hate exercising, but my doctor is making me do this.
My driver's license says I'm 55, but I'll be 30 forever.
Help, I graduated college and am completely out of shape!
I'm a chronic mess of health issues.
The baby won't let me sleep!
I hate my asthma!
I seriously need to lose 100 pounds.
I dream of completing a marathon.
I'm already in great shape.
Minimum exercise as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control
Monthly exercise planners
Weekly exercise planners
Life Practices (book summary)
COUCH to ACTIVE resources
Notes pages