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Help your patients


It's no secret that helping your patients make safe exercise a priority is critical to healing from injury and illness, managing long-term or chronic health conditions, and preventing future injury and illness. However, the lifestyle coaching needed to make a real impact for your patents is out of scope for most healthcare professionals. 

COUCH to ACTIVE is here to fill that gap.


The book COUCH to ACTIVE helps patients exercise consistently in a way that makes them smile more. It is a friendly step-by-step workbook that takes readers through behavior change and self-advocacy skills. Stories in the book include patients working through fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, severe depression, bariatric surgery, quadriplegic tragedy, asthma, joint replacements, caring for others, and significant weight loss journeys. The book leaves readers with hope, compassion for themselves, and an action plan to sustain their new active lifestyle.

Ask your patients to pick up a copy of COUCH to ACTIVE at or Barnes and Noble. It likely costs less than one prescription, and it will benefit them for a lifetime.




How do I tell my patients about the book?  

The hardest part of exercising consistently is getting started every single day. This is especially true when faced with health challenges. The COUCH to ACTIVE book is a step-by-step guide that will help make exercise a normal and enjoyable part of life. It is full of examples of people who have also had significant health issues to overcome while trying to add exercise back into their lives. It's a small investment ($29.00 hardcover, $23.99 paperback) and likely costs less than one prescription. This will benefit your patients for a lifetime.


Book Outline


Week 1: The Basics

  • What you already know about exercise but aren't doing

  • CDC guidelines for exercise

  • The importance of working with your doctors

  • Staying injury free

  • Remembering to exercise

  • Slow and steady progress

  • A healthier approach to social media


Week 2: Reach Out

  • Talking to others about your goals

  • Making exercise fun

  • Your lifestyle change will surprise others

  • Thank others for their support


Week 3: Breaking Barriers

  • Seeing barriers objectively

  • Creating a list of barriers

  • Relaxing around the barriers

  • Using walks to process potential solutions to barriers

  • The importance of wanting the change

  • Body image


Week 4: Solve It

  • Strategies to break barriers and create a life you love

  • Identifying the easiest barriers to break

  • Managing naysayers in your life

  • Identifying mini-solutions and small steps

  • Jumping on last minute opportunities to exercise

  • Breaking through stereotypes and trying different kinds of exercise

  • Creating a commitment that is impossible to flake


Week 5: Own It

  • Owning the direction of your life

  • Owning your success

  • Owning your opinions about exercise

  • Owning your heart and close relationships

  • Owning your time and work relationships

  • Owning your crazy-busy life

  • Owning your physical and mental healing

  • Owning your sleep

Week 6: Radical Change

  • Identifying if you are stuck and need a radical change in your life

  • Reminder that you are in control of your life

  • How to identify if you are stuck

  • Being brave

  • Making peace with barriers that are here to stay


Week 7: Your Next Two Years

  • Create a plan to stay on track for two full years

  • Understand how fast time flies by and the importance of making this change now

  • Understanding how after two years the changes will feel perfectly normal

  • Creating a plan for holidays and special events

  • How to quickly escape a setback


Week 8: Celebrate!

  • Celebrate the new you!

  • Review all life practices in the book

  • You are a rockstar, and here's why

Exercise Plan Examples: The exercise plan examples provided ask readers to start where they are and very slowly build with a focus on staying injury free. This is a fun book, so we also made the exercise plan titles fun.

Exercise Plans:

  • I hate exercising, but my doctor is making me do this.

  • My driver's license says I'm 55, but I'll be 30 forever.

  • Help, I graduated college and am completely out of shape!

  • I'm a chronic mess of health issues.

  • The baby won't let me sleep!

  • I hate my asthma!

  • I seriously need to lose 100 pounds.

  • I dream of completing a marathon.

  • I'm already in great shape.



  • Minimum exercise as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control

  • Monthly exercise planners

  • Weekly exercise planners

  • Life Practices (book summary)

  • COUCH to ACTIVE resources

  • Notes pages

Who is the perfect person for the book?

I am a middle-aged author who spent over 20 years in corporate offices in senior manager roles. I'm also a parent, and I was a single parent for 10 years. I have several lifelong health issues that make consistent exercise more difficult for me than for my healthy peers. Your patients will very likely find some common ground with my struggles, and chances are good that they will very closely relate to the book. I encourage people to break through their stereotypes of who does what kind of fitness, and I help people figure out how to truly advocate for themselves. If your patients are high performers in other areas of their lives, but struggle to make health and fitness a priority, then this is the book for them. 

What are all of the products available for patients?

We have two main products. 

  1. The COUCH to ACTIVE Book
    Purchase on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, or bulk orders through this website.
    Or, purchase a book club pack and start a group discussion.

  2. Premium Program
    Clients work through the book with the author of COUCH to ACTIVE, Lyn Lindbergh, as their coach. Coaching sessions are online via phone.

  3. Corporate Support
    I create custom solutions for corporate settings. From keynotes, to multi-day and long-term solutions. See more about corporate solutions here.

Book Discounts: Need 10 or 5,000 books? Check out the current book club offerings, or request a bulk order rate sheet at

Is COUCH to ACTIVE affiliated with multi-level marketing or the promotion of other products? 

No. There are so many MLMs out there that I find I need to call out up front that we are in no way, shape, or form an MLM or affiliated with any MLM. COUCH to ACTIVE does NOT participate in affiliate marketing for other brands or the promotion of any products such as protein powders, supplements, or fitness equipment.

Who is Lyn Lindbergh?

Lyn is the author of the award winning book COUCH to ACTIVE. She is the host of the COUCH to ACTIVE Podcast and a certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, and Group Fitness Instructor with a degree in Education and 20 years of experience working in senior management roles for large corporations. More importantly, Lyn lives with fibromyalgia and a couple of additional long-term health issues, so she knows at a very deep level that the struggle to exercise is real. 


Hire Lyn Lindbergh

Lyn provides custom workshops, keynotes, and group sessions. With 20 years in corporate education, she knows what it takes to host an engaging and energizing experience for groups. Contact us for details.

Other questions? Contact us at

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